Thursday, January 15, 2015

Participate in EndoMarch through NY TODAY SHOW TV Brigade


Are you super excited about promoting Endometriosis Awareness in the Tri-State Area? Did you want to participate in EndoMarch but can't make it to California or DC this year? Do you like wearing yellow and are free on March 28th?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are in luck because on Saturday March 28th endometriosis patients and their supporters are flooding the Today Show Plaza in their best yellow gear to make some noise for endometriosis awareness.

The Details

What: Storming the Today Show Plaza in conjunction with EndoMarch and the Endometriosis Foundation of America to raise some awareness for Endometriosis.

Who: Anyone and everyone are welcome. We want a huge crowd in yellow to make quite an impact. The more people that sign up in advance, the better chance they might be able to do a segment about the disease and raise even more awareness.

When: Saturday March 28th in the morning. Today recommends showing up by 6am and they film 7am through 10am.

Where:The TODAY plaza is located in Rockefeller Center between 48th and 49th streets and 5th Ave. and the Avenue of the Americas (6th Ave.).!q=The+Today+Show%2C+New+York%2C+NY&data=!4m15!2m14!1m13!1s0x89c258ff308b962b%3A0x8c78f178e4a5e9d2!3m8!1m3!1d227878!2d-73.979681!3d40.697488!3m2!1i1315!2i452!4f13.1!4m2!3d40.758293!4d-73.978925

Step One: Register here is advance: Put your date as March 28th. Make sure you put you are part of a large group. When it asks for more information write, "Filling the plaza with Yellow for Endometriosis Awareness. I will be coming as a part of the Global EndoMarch." Also feel free to share a brief personal story. You never know, they may ask you to be interviewed!  When choosing a picture, if you have one of you in yellow, or you post op, feel free to post it. I used this picture.

Step Two: Ask a friend, family member or two to go with you and have them register ASAP.

Step Three: Share on social media that you are coming.
Facebook: Share this blog with friends and family on facebook. Invite them to join.
                  Like on Facebook and message them
                         and tell them "I am coming to the TODAY show on March 28th in solidarity with     
                       EndoMarch to promote endometriosis awareness because.....Please shed light on our  
Twitter: Tweet this out if you are on twitter: Hi  get ready 4 ladies in yellow storming the plaza on 3/28 for Endometriosis Awareness   
For more tips and information go to these Today Show Sites:
   When you sign up make sure to tweet me, leave a comment for me on this post or let me know on my facebook page
                                                          Time to end the silence ladies!
Check out my EndoMarch Awareness videos here to get pumped:
This is a Patient Video that Worldwide EndoMarch put together last year. My mom and myself are included!
Make sure to check out the EndoMarch Website to see all the amazing worldwide events happening.
Need something yellow to wear? Support the incredible awareness projects of the EFA and buy one of these awesome t-shirts to wear on the plaza that day!